If you’re an aspiring author or seasoned writer in the U.S., entering accessible literary contests can provide valuable recognition, validation, and exposure to a broader audience. Here’s an insightful guide to some notable literary contests anyone can enter, along with details on how to enter and important deadlines.
1. Writer’s Digest Annual Writing Competition
A widely recognized competition open to both new and seasoned writers.
- Categories: Short stories, poetry, memoir, nonfiction, genre fiction, screenplay, stage play
- How to Enter: Submit entries online through Writer’s Digest website.
- Deadline: May annually
2. Narrative Magazine Prize
Celebrates storytelling across various literary forms.
- Categories: Short stories, essays, poetry, narrative nonfiction
- How to Enter: Entries submitted online via the Narrative Magazine website.
- Deadline: Varies by category, generally open year-round
3. Glimmer Train Press Contests
Known for supporting emerging writers.
- Categories: Short fiction, very short fiction, new writers
- How to Enter: Submit stories online through the Glimmer Train Press website.
- Deadline: Multiple deadlines annually
4. The Masters Review Short Story Award for New Writers
Designed for emerging writers who haven’t published a book yet.
- Categories: Short fiction
- How to Enter: Submit online through The Masters Review website.
- Deadline: August annually
5. Carve Magazine Raymond Carver Short Story Contest
Recognizes excellence in short fiction.
- Categories: Short stories
- How to Enter: Submit entries online through Carve Magazine’s website.
- Deadline: May annually
6. Writer’s Relief Peter K. Hixson Memorial Award
Supports writers seeking to publish their work.
- Categories: Short fiction, poetry, memoir, nonfiction
- How to Enter: Apply online through Writer’s Relief website.
- Deadline: Usually open in June annually
7. The Missouri Review Miller Audio Prize
Unique competition celebrating audio storytelling.
- Categories: Audio documentary, humor, poetry, and prose
- How to Enter: Submit your audio entries through The Missouri Review website.
- Deadline: March annually
8. Rattle Poetry Prize
One of the largest poetry contests open to everyone.
- Categories: Poetry
- How to Enter: Submit online via Rattle’s website.
- Deadline: July annually
9. Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition
Founded by Ernest Hemingway’s granddaughter.
- Categories: Short stories
- How to Enter: Submit online through the competition’s official website.
- Deadline: May annually
10. New York Public Library Young Lions Fiction Award
Honors emerging fiction writers under 35 years of age.
- Categories: Fiction
- How to Enter: Publishers or authors submit books published in the previous year.
- Deadline: September annually
Tips for Success
- Research carefully: Each contest has distinct eligibility rules and submission guidelines. Ensure you meet all criteria before entering.
- Plan ahead: Mark deadlines in your calendar early, giving yourself ample time to prepare your submission.
- Quality matters: Submit polished, professional manuscripts; invest time in thorough editing and presentation.
Participating in literary contests can dramatically enhance your profile as an author, providing opportunities for recognition and career advancement. Embrace the journey and let your literary voice be heard!